lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


Daniela Vasquez
Ms. Sierra
Mr. Patterson
12 Final Project

The age for this stage of my life is getting really near. It is almost time tos ay goodbye to the school , to my friends my teachers, my memories and all those unforgettable experiences i passed through in this 14 years i was in the school. The school was indoubtebly the greatest stage of my life, was a part of my life that i would never forget. Every experience in the school teached me something new, everyday i had a new opportunity to be a better person with the help of my teachers and my friends, This time in the school helped me to set goals to myself and to follow my dreams. Every class i had helped me to understand how the real world is and i even had the opportunity to to experience physically how the other half of the people lived.

Through all the things i learned and experienced in this years of my life in school the project that most impacted me and changed my life was a project that we amde in 11 grade and it was  called “The other half”.  This project changed my life, also my way of thinking and it also changed my point of view of the world. The purpose of this project was to go and see how the other half of the people lived, This project made me realize that we all had a problem and it is we do not value all the things we have, we are always sad because we do not have this or we do not have that and we do not really see how the other people that have so many less privileges than us  live happy and do not complain about what they have or who they are.

The day i went to this project my life changed immediatly as son as i arrived to these peoples house. When i arrived there i experienced  what was poverty. The lack of food, their hardship, their pain and it was then when i realized i was blessed and i should thank god for all the blessings he send me everyday.  This experience not also make me realize i was blessed but it also made me set goals to change the world.  One of my primary goals was to start to recicle and to try to save water, this things will help a lot the other half of the people. It is really difficult to change the world by my self so i can not set that goal but i can try to help a little by recycling and saving wáter which is something i never did before.

This stage of my life that ends also teached me that i should set goals to become a better person each time more. The biggest goal of my life is to become a great doctor. I really love to help people, so i think i can be a really great doctor. I want to become a great profesional so i can help everyone who needs my help and save peoples life. Making this manifesto made me realize i have many goals for my life and also remembered me of how much blessings i have. I really liked this project because it made me see all the good things i have and made me value more my family and all the blessings god sends me everday.

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