lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014


Daniela Vasquez
Ms. Sierra
Mr. Patterson
12 Final Project

The age for this stage of my life is getting really near. It is almost time tos ay goodbye to the school , to my friends my teachers, my memories and all those unforgettable experiences i passed through in this 14 years i was in the school. The school was indoubtebly the greatest stage of my life, was a part of my life that i would never forget. Every experience in the school teached me something new, everyday i had a new opportunity to be a better person with the help of my teachers and my friends, This time in the school helped me to set goals to myself and to follow my dreams. Every class i had helped me to understand how the real world is and i even had the opportunity to to experience physically how the other half of the people lived.

Through all the things i learned and experienced in this years of my life in school the project that most impacted me and changed my life was a project that we amde in 11 grade and it was  called “The other half”.  This project changed my life, also my way of thinking and it also changed my point of view of the world. The purpose of this project was to go and see how the other half of the people lived, This project made me realize that we all had a problem and it is we do not value all the things we have, we are always sad because we do not have this or we do not have that and we do not really see how the other people that have so many less privileges than us  live happy and do not complain about what they have or who they are.

The day i went to this project my life changed immediatly as son as i arrived to these peoples house. When i arrived there i experienced  what was poverty. The lack of food, their hardship, their pain and it was then when i realized i was blessed and i should thank god for all the blessings he send me everyday.  This experience not also make me realize i was blessed but it also made me set goals to change the world.  One of my primary goals was to start to recicle and to try to save water, this things will help a lot the other half of the people. It is really difficult to change the world by my self so i can not set that goal but i can try to help a little by recycling and saving wáter which is something i never did before.

This stage of my life that ends also teached me that i should set goals to become a better person each time more. The biggest goal of my life is to become a great doctor. I really love to help people, so i think i can be a really great doctor. I want to become a great profesional so i can help everyone who needs my help and save peoples life. Making this manifesto made me realize i have many goals for my life and also remembered me of how much blessings i have. I really liked this project because it made me see all the good things i have and made me value more my family and all the blessings god sends me everday.

miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Post about Lightbulb and planned obsolescence

This movie that we watched in class primary talk about the planned obsolescence and how the people and companies are trying to "obligate" consumers to buy more things unnecessarily with planned obsolescence. The first part they started talking about a celebration of the 100 years of a lightbulb, this was a lightbulb that still served after 100 years and the producers started taking the years for things to serve so people have to buy more because they do not serve any more so they are seen obligated to do it. Onle the early 1900s all the things were made to last, but that was affecting the people who sell stuff because things were lasting for so long and people stop buying things for a while, so then in the 1920s was when planned obsolescence started. The planned obsolescence consisted of putting a limited time of serve to things for example the companies can only made things that lasted for 20 years and they could not last more.

The Phoebus cartel was created in 1924 this cartel was formed by the lightbulb manufacturers and the purpose was to standarize the lightbulbs. They noticed when they created this cartel that the lightbulblife expectancy was more than 2000 hours and two years later they put it down to a life expectancy of 1500 hours. This Phoebus cartel was disbanded in 1939 but still it remains a lot of influence of this cartel in the West. We could see in this a movie a really specific case of planned obsolescence and it was when Marco who is a guy that needs to arrange his printer is told in various places that he has to buy a new one, and he discovers he can just fix it by changing a piece of the printer.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

The four horsemen

This theory about the fall of the American empire is supported in the film because the governments, the religion and the mainstream economists are causing the crises because they are being stalled.  Society should be re installed and some thinkers talked about it, it is important that people say and don't satay quiet, because that way by telling is how they can improve the world and the society. The society is being so unjust, and they have to change it, also they have to change the moral of society to help the world to change for a better way. It is very important that the American empire does not fall because that will affect all of us economically because they have a lot of power in the economy of the world.

It is very important that we are keeping track of what is happening with the American empire because they are a big power in the world in all aspects and if they fall many parts of the world will also have problems. If this empire falls economy will fall drastically down and it will affect all the people that have business importing or exporting. It will be very difficult to maintain the life we have because very probably the things that they export will be very expensive and a lot of people will not be able to pay and that will be a problem for those people. The people who has business will be the most affected because they need a lot of this that they have and it will be difficult to have things that they exported before and now if they fall they will not export them any more.

viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

How is the Colombian monetary system constructed? What policies govern the Banco De Republica? How are that and the Federal Reserve in the USA similar and different? 

It is very important that  a country has a has an organized monetary system that can control all the money and maintain the economy of colombia in a good way. This monetary system is controlled by the Banco de la Republica de Colombia since 1923, this bank is in charge of taking care that inflation does not occur and that money is safe and has a value. This bank supervises the credits of the country and also the other money that is around in the economy of the country. This bank is in charge of controlling the money that the country loans and receives, it is well controlled because the inflation in colombia is known for a moderate inflation. The Banco de la Republica has three main goals for the economy in Colombia. 

The three main goals that the Banco de la republic de Colombia has are: to maintain a determine and stable exchange rate, also to maintain an stable interest rate, and to have a capital mobility. The federal reserve is the one who manages the monetary system in the USA and the Banco de la Republica is the one who manages it in Colombia.The monetary system in United States and the monetary system in Colombia have something in common that is  inflation  but also have a big difference that is the level of inflation. As i mentioned above the inflation in Colombia is known for been moderate, but in the United States is bigger than in Colombia. During 1930's was the great depression in United States and one main cause was because of inflation, while in Colombia it took seven years to go up from 1,000 pesos to 2,000 pesos. 

Citation: 1.
Fractional Reserve Banking

Fractional Reserve Banking is also known for Fractional Deposit Lending, and it is used by a lot of countries most of the countries in the world operate by this system. This banks operate in a way that they are never loosing , and they are trying also to prevent inflation. Inflation is when there is a lot of money and the value of the money is lost, around 1930 there was the great depression and there was a lot of inflation and the Fractional Reserve Banking system prevent this. It consists of taking a little percent of what they have and always having it there, they are always with money and all the money that enters to them they get a percent and the rest they let it for the people to use it. This is also done to expand the economy, and they can lend to other countries money.

On the film we also observed how can inflation happen, and it is because people start to produce a lot of money and there is so much money that it lists its value.  In the video it was a part were they clearly explained how money each time looses more and more its value, they said 1 dollar in 1913 is like almost 27 dollars in 2010 that is a huge difference, and is a lot of loss in the value of the money. I understand from the video that the new money they were making it was just a piece of paper but the real value of this money was given by the money that already existed. This banking system is used in most of the countries, this can help the countries to maintain a estable economy and prevent they economic crises. This banks try to show people they can multiply the money and put it to produce because most of the times people give a bank deposit they consider it as money in their own right.

martes, 1 de abril de 2014

Food post
 It is clear that social and economic aspects are affecting the world continuosly. In social studies we watched three videos one about race, another about confessions of an economic hitmen and the last one we saw was about food and its problems. Confessions of an economic hitmen was about how people can convince a whole country to afford loans that then they would not be able to pay, and they will have problems that can end in big fights. In the film about race we saw how people just give value to others for their color of physical traits and they did not care about their other traits just they judge them for the color and this afects people. In the food aspect there were also many problems because people that dont have much money to buy good food they had to eat cheap and bad food that will bring to them diseases.

When we talk about the food it is really clear that the only thing that companies care about is MONEY they dont care about anything else, they rather kill a person and win money than taking more time preparing a good food that will not cause damage to the people. In the video we saw a case of a boy that die because he got a bacteria called e coli and this bacteria killed him because he ate a food that was not so good prepared and he got this infection and die. The mom of this boy came and talk and put a demand on this restaurant and she told they did not even send an apology, this shows how restaurants dont care about the customers health they just care about earning a lot of money. Economic hitmen are also examples of how this persons can control society, this people can make a fight happen when ever they want by making countries take bad desicions that will end in fights later. Race also controls a lot in the world people think that the only think that matters is the color and  the physical traits and this is not true, and they are only giving value and importance  to people for having certain physical traits.


Croatia vs Serbia genocide claims
 With this new we can see an example of how problems continue through generations and they never stop even do many years can pass the social and economic problems between the countries never get to an end. Croatia and Serbia are fighting for  an even that took place in Croatia during the 1991-1995 war and is estimated that aproximately 20,000 people were killed. This is really sad that the countries have to go to  this extremes to find a solution for their problems, it is easier to talk and resolve with out violence because violence only brings more violence and more deads. A genocide is a terrible massive killing of people and it is devastating for the countries that have to be in half of it but also is one of the most difficult to prove. There was an international court of justice established in 1945 and since that moment they found out that Bosnia serb forces killed thousands of  Bosnian muslim civilians and since that moment Serbia was declared not responsible for it.

kentan Muslim cleric shot dead
More and more violence around the world, this new I am just going to talk to you about is also about violence this is a muslim cleric that was killed on the kenyan coast. He was accused by the United States and the UN security council of supporting the Somali rebel group al-shabab. A police officer and a whitness said: " May his soul rest in peace, he has died a brave deadth ". With this phrase we could see how people supported him and how the poeple who killed him are supporting  violence in the world. I think it is very important to stop this much violence in the world to start a change if we continue the way we are it will be very difficult to stop this many homocides that occur everyday. It is important to try to change the world right now because if ee continue like this we will end up in another big  war.

miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

An example of a global issue that is been affected by economic hit men prices are the cities that are fighting for money that they loan and then the other country does not want to pay them. We started reading son chapters of a book called Confessions of an economic hit man, in the book Perkins gives us the meaning of an economic hit man: "highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign ‘aid' organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources." (Confessions of an economic hit man, Perkins). 

So an economic hit man is someone who convinces the countries to accept high amounts of money  of money that they can't afford. Almost always this loans ended up in terrorists attacks and bad battles between the countries, This is something that can be seen in places that accept big loans of money and then they can't afford it so they en up with terrorist attacks.

Another economic problem that can be caused by an economic hit man is the economic crisis in the countries and around the world. For example spain is still in an economic problem and it affects all the world, the economic crisis of spain has been affecting all the world. In the chapters of the book Confessions of an economic hit men that we read we saw how perkins also try to stop this people from doing this to the countries and convincing them to accept owns that they could not afford, to stop all the violence that this problem was causing. 

It is important that economic hit men stop convincing countries of doing things that the only thing that will bring them is problems, and more violence in the world I think it is very important that perkins wants to work on ending this economic hit men around the world. This will bring more peace less violence and better agreements between the countries. 

In this moment syria is passing through a terrible moment and they are not getting their most basic rights for example food. The human care believes that those people deserve at least one meal a day, and they are giving them  a meal a day. It is very unfair for them, for all the attacks and all the things they are going through they are not being able to get the money to afford food. The families are not even able to stay in their place they live, they had to go away seeking new places to be in a safe place. It is so sad that this people has to pass through all this problems because they have not done anything to be in this situation. 

It is very important that companies like the human care are taking care of this innocent people. This people has been suffering a lot and all they are receiving all the times are attacks and attacks. This is a very good page for information if you want to know about syria the website is very interesting and you can find a lot  of news of what is happening right now this is the website:

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Information about race.

Prompt #1

What is race?

Race is the type of person you are that is like if you are hebrew, jew, white , black etc.. but the race is just a word because we are all equal. "This is the frist film about race to focus not on individual attitudes and behavior but on the way our institutions and polices advantage some groups at the expense of others" (The power of an allusion). This quote shows how races want to separate people, people think a different race make them more powerful than the others and that is not true, we are all equal race is just a word. In the movie we cuold see how white people had more benefits tyhan the others just because of being of " White race". I really think race is just a word for different customs, or different skin color people have but really at the end we see all people have eyes, nose, hands, ears, and that is really the same for everybody so race should not separate people or give more benefits to others when the truth is we are all equal.

Prompt # 3

What are the power of priviledge (gender, race, economics, etc)?

The power of priviledge is how people for having different races get to have more power or more benefits than the others, just for their skin color they have more power than the others.  "We see how benefits quietly and often invisibly accrue to white people, not necessarily because of merit or hard work, but because of the racialized nature of our laws, courts, customs, and perhaps most pertinently, housing." (The power of an allusion). This is a clear example of how a race through history starts to make more powerful to some races just because nature has put them in the top and with more benefits than the others. During the time of the slaves it is clearly shown how white people had the total control over tha other races, and how they could do whatever they wanted like if the other people were animals, and it is just because of a skin color. I believe to get to have a big power you should win it by working hard, helping others, and making a difference in the worls, not just gaining power by being born in a white family. 

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

How does the movie the lemon tree reflects the problem between israel and palestine?

During this movie we can see a lot of examples of how this war between israel and palestine developed, in this movie we can clearly see it with Salma, she receives a card saying that they will take her all her land and her lemon trees and that was something that was really unfair. This movie also shows like how people reacted to this situation and all the people that were killed by this fight between israel and palestine.

This movie also shows the courage of salma, that can show how were the persons that had that much courage in the fight, Salma one day sees a fence and it says it is prohibit to pass through, and she reacts in a completely different way she jumpsup the fence and she did not care about what it said. Also we can see in the movie the courage that she had because her son tells her to go with him to live con united states and there she will live a better life but she decides to stay there and find a way to survive in a very difficult situation

Here are two links the first one is were you could find information about the israeli and palestine conflict and another were you can find information about the movie the lemon tree.


Here a found a great website that talks about the history of the barrier of palestine. The site is: In this website we can see a timeline that shows how years started to pass and how the wall was formed. This website leo explains how the united nations were involved in this problem, and how the war end up with this barrier.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

This is another interesting new and it talks about the Ukranian problems during this moment.
"We do not see anything that is critical, that is worthy of panic at the moment," the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said on Friday. This quote was said by Christine Lagarde, so many problems are happening but she still does not think that is moment to panic. This comment about getting panic was said by the government.

This is a very interesting article and talks about uk and France pull out of G8 preparatory talks over Ukraine crisis, British foreign secretary says Ukranian sovereignty and territory violated following Russias decision to take military action.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

This is an article about syria.

This article talks about an attack in syria that they are throwing bomb barrels in the north of Aleppo and they killed a lot of people. This bombs let a least 83 people death. Most of the victims killed since Friday have been civilians from the city's eastern districts, including women and children.


martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

Social Studies, Daniela Vasquez Blog

Hello, My name is Daniela Vasquez Otero i am 17 years old and i study at Colegio Panamericano i want to study medicine as soon as i finish my school i want to study in Bogota in the javeriana i also want to travel a lot, i am currently doing 12 grade and i am doing good in the grades i expect to continue like this and pass to the university i want without problems.

Conflict in general is caused by many reasons almost always the countries in the world are having problems with the elections of the presidents because some people want one president and the other people want another president, so this become a problem and makes people fight. In Syria there was a conflict that was that the people wanted to change the president and the rules but there was still the same president and the same rules.

Conflict can also be seen in this moment in Venezuela. All the people is passing through a terrible time, and they can not even go outside their house or the neighborhood. The policemen have the order to kill all the people they see outside. This is one of the most terrible problems i have seen people can not go out because they are killed this is terrible.

Some origins of conflict can be seen by many reasons, one of those reasons can be the racism, talking about around 1800's there was so many slavery and the black people was treated like animals just because the whites wanted. This was an origin of conflict because the black people was tired and they started doing things to end slavery and they had to fight with the whites and this is an origin of conflict because many blacks and whites died in this fights.

Another origin of conflict is again the problem in Venezuela and the fight people from high social status are having against the president Nicolas Maduro. The people is fighting because the president want to have a socialism system but he is doing it in a wrong way, and he is making all people suffer. He wants to control all the things the people do so he controls the food, the credit cards, and all the things people have and this is a bad way to find what he wants.

Another way of conflict can be seen in the period of time when the mens believed they had all the power and they believed women's could no do the same activities as them and they should be seen as inferior than men. This was terrible because there were many women's such as Elizabeth Cady Staton, and Susan B Anthony that fought all their lives to find the equality between men and women but this was a conflict because  mens always wanted to have all the power so they were fighting against the women's who claimed for justice and equality.