miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

An example of a global issue that is been affected by economic hit men prices are the cities that are fighting for money that they loan and then the other country does not want to pay them. We started reading son chapters of a book called Confessions of an economic hit man, in the book Perkins gives us the meaning of an economic hit man: "highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars. They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign ‘aid' organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources." (Confessions of an economic hit man, Perkins). 

So an economic hit man is someone who convinces the countries to accept high amounts of money  of money that they can't afford. Almost always this loans ended up in terrorists attacks and bad battles between the countries, This is something that can be seen in places that accept big loans of money and then they can't afford it so they en up with terrorist attacks.

Another economic problem that can be caused by an economic hit man is the economic crisis in the countries and around the world. For example spain is still in an economic problem and it affects all the world, the economic crisis of spain has been affecting all the world. In the chapters of the book Confessions of an economic hit men that we read we saw how perkins also try to stop this people from doing this to the countries and convincing them to accept owns that they could not afford, to stop all the violence that this problem was causing. 

It is important that economic hit men stop convincing countries of doing things that the only thing that will bring them is problems, and more violence in the world I think it is very important that perkins wants to work on ending this economic hit men around the world. This will bring more peace less violence and better agreements between the countries. 

In this moment syria is passing through a terrible moment and they are not getting their most basic rights for example food. The human care believes that those people deserve at least one meal a day, and they are giving them  a meal a day. It is very unfair for them, for all the attacks and all the things they are going through they are not being able to get the money to afford food. The families are not even able to stay in their place they live, they had to go away seeking new places to be in a safe place. It is so sad that this people has to pass through all this problems because they have not done anything to be in this situation. 

It is very important that companies like the human care are taking care of this innocent people. This people has been suffering a lot and all they are receiving all the times are attacks and attacks. This is a very good page for information if you want to know about syria the website is very interesting and you can find a lot  of news of what is happening right now this is the website:

martes, 18 de marzo de 2014

Information about race.

Prompt #1

What is race?

Race is the type of person you are that is like if you are hebrew, jew, white , black etc.. but the race is just a word because we are all equal. "This is the frist film about race to focus not on individual attitudes and behavior but on the way our institutions and polices advantage some groups at the expense of others" (The power of an allusion). This quote shows how races want to separate people, people think a different race make them more powerful than the others and that is not true, we are all equal race is just a word. In the movie we cuold see how white people had more benefits tyhan the others just because of being of " White race". I really think race is just a word for different customs, or different skin color people have but really at the end we see all people have eyes, nose, hands, ears, and that is really the same for everybody so race should not separate people or give more benefits to others when the truth is we are all equal.

Prompt # 3

What are the power of priviledge (gender, race, economics, etc)?

The power of priviledge is how people for having different races get to have more power or more benefits than the others, just for their skin color they have more power than the others.  "We see how benefits quietly and often invisibly accrue to white people, not necessarily because of merit or hard work, but because of the racialized nature of our laws, courts, customs, and perhaps most pertinently, housing." (The power of an allusion). This is a clear example of how a race through history starts to make more powerful to some races just because nature has put them in the top and with more benefits than the others. During the time of the slaves it is clearly shown how white people had the total control over tha other races, and how they could do whatever they wanted like if the other people were animals, and it is just because of a skin color. I believe to get to have a big power you should win it by working hard, helping others, and making a difference in the worls, not just gaining power by being born in a white family. 

domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

How does the movie the lemon tree reflects the problem between israel and palestine?

During this movie we can see a lot of examples of how this war between israel and palestine developed, in this movie we can clearly see it with Salma, she receives a card saying that they will take her all her land and her lemon trees and that was something that was really unfair. This movie also shows like how people reacted to this situation and all the people that were killed by this fight between israel and palestine.

This movie also shows the courage of salma, that can show how were the persons that had that much courage in the fight, Salma one day sees a fence and it says it is prohibit to pass through, and she reacts in a completely different way she jumpsup the fence and she did not care about what it said. Also we can see in the movie the courage that she had because her son tells her to go with him to live con united states and there she will live a better life but she decides to stay there and find a way to survive in a very difficult situation

Here are two links the first one is were you could find information about the israeli and palestine conflict and another were you can find information about the movie the lemon tree.

1. http://www.palestinehistory.com/issues/wall/wallfacts.htm

2. http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/films/films.php?id=19007
Here a found a great website that talks about the history of the barrier of palestine. The site is: http://www.asianews.it/news-en/The-Wall-and-its-history-(timeline)-78.html In this website we can see a timeline that shows how years started to pass and how the wall was formed. This website leo explains how the united nations were involved in this problem, and how the war end up with this barrier.

miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014


This is another interesting new and it talks about the Ukranian problems during this moment.
"We do not see anything that is critical, that is worthy of panic at the moment," the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, said on Friday. This quote was said by Christine Lagarde, so many problems are happening but she still does not think that is moment to panic. This comment about getting panic was said by the government.

This is a very interesting article and talks about uk and France pull out of G8 preparatory talks over Ukraine crisis, British foreign secretary says Ukranian sovereignty and territory violated following Russias decision to take military action.

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014

This is an article about syria.

This article talks about an attack in syria that they are throwing bomb barrels in the north of Aleppo and they killed a lot of people. This bombs let a least 83 people death. Most of the victims killed since Friday have been civilians from the city's eastern districts, including women and children.